A Letter from the Owner

I would like to welcome you to our Elizabeth Bruns website. We are very excited to be able to convey to the world a glimpse into who we are and what we are all about! My wife, Chris, and I have owned this store since 1976 and, with a lot of help from family and friends, we have been successful in transforming a small jewelry boutique and gift shop into what we feel is one of the South’s leading purveyors of fine jewelry, china, crystal, and new and antique silver. My goal from day one has been to offer only the finest quality, whether it is a $25 wedding gift or a fabulous diamond necklace. We wrap each gift the same regardless of price, and we strive to always give our customer not only the best in value but also the utmost in service.

I have continuously traveled to Europe seeking jewelry that is utterly unique but always timeless. We have relationships with some of Europe’s finest jewelers dating back over 30 years and are able to offer to our clientele treasures that other jewelers in the United States simply cannot provide.

Should you have personal requests please contact myself or our manager, Katie Milam.  We have several extremely talented jewelers available to rise to any occasion - I welcome your ideas!

The website offerings will change from time to time as items are sold and new things arrive so I encourage you to check in with us often and see what new treats we have in store for you!


H. Wilson Glasgow, Jr.